Protect My Child Now!
The Child Shield, U.S.A. System is available in all 50 states across America and the District of Columbia. Parents, grandparents and legal guardians who are truly serious about significantly increasing the personal security, safety and emergency preparedness of their children, may purchase our proven system directly through this secure website.
Knock on wood, in the 28+ year history of Child Shield, U.S.A. (CSUSA), only 3 children covered by our old legacy CSUSA membership program have ever been reported missing or abducted. The great news is that all 3 of those kids were recovered safely!
Unfortunately, after managing the day to day operations of CSUSA over the past few years and after having many long conversations with clients across America, the management team got the true sense that quite frankly, a lot of previous clients just really did not take their children’s personal security, safety or emergency preparedness very seriously at all.
CSUSA seemed to be nothing more than just a mere “back-up” in case a client’s covered child ever went missing. Many clients were not really taking any time, energy, effort or action to seriously help their children be ready for critical emergencies so that their kids have a fighting chance of surviving an incident.
The bottom line is that we only wants serious clients who are really ready to stand up and be actively involved in their children’s personal safety, security and emergency preparedness on a regular basis.
As Child Shield, U.S.A. moves forward into 2018 and beyond, the long time law enforcement and high level dignitary protection expertise management team will be focusing on helping our membership clients with advanced child safety, security and family emergency preparedness training to help them better protect their children and their entire family in today’s often dangerous and violent world.
No parent, grandparent or legal guardian can truly hope to ever effectively increase the real personal safety and security of children under their care without also having a keen understanding of how family preparedness and overall disaster readiness plays a key role in helping to keep their kids and entire families safe.
CSUSA will be offering more targeted training opportunities for clients to help them have even more insight on ways to talk with their children about the importance of ongoing safety, security and family emergency preparedness issues.
We will continue to strive to provide the latest best practices and “Cutting Edge” solutions to help our client families thrive while also increasing their own personal safety, security and emergency preparedness from dealing with potential abductions, sexual assaults, bullying and missing children incidents to surviving man-made or natural disasters, fires, severe weather challenges, active shooter situations and much more.
Our clients have girls and boys of all different ages from infants to college students, step families, physical households, etc., and as a result, each client and their family members have different concerns, needs and issues. Many clients just don’t understand that they may not be with their children when a critical incident or emergency situation like an abduction, fire or active school shooter incident occurs. That’s exactly why they must properly prepare their kids of all ages on what they can do BEFORE disasters and critical emergencies actually happen.
In many cases, the truth is that your children will actually be the initial “First Responders” when a critical incident occurs! The good news is that we can help you and your children be much better prepared so that your kids don’t end up becoming needless victims or statistics, but…it all starts with knowledgeable clients!
Child Shield U.S.A. now proudly offers 3 different levels of service and membership engagement with our program so that you can choose the bestoption for your particular situation. You can also choose to start out with our most basic solution and then upgrade your membership level at any time in the future.
Option 1: Basic Membership Level ($149.95 With No Monthly Fee)
When dealing with child security, safety and emergency preparedness issues, there are some basic and more advanced proven strategies that you can definitely employ with your children to help them be better prepared to deal with emergency situations and incidents whether you are present with your children or unable to be with your children when a critical situation occurs.
In the event of any situation involving a lost, missing or abducted child, one of the most important factors in attempting to locate your child will be having as much detailed and extremely important information about your child in one place and immediately within your reach no matter where you are in case law enforcement officials need to get involved in your child’s disappearance incident.
To that end, we are excited to introduce the brand new Child Shield, U.S.A. Emergency Alert Child I.D. System USB Portable Identification Card that is now available as your very first line of defense if your child should every become lost, missing or abducted. This brand new advanced USB technology portable identification card (about the thickness of 2 credit cards placed together side by side for easy carry in your purse or wallet), is designed to help you be better prepared in case your child should ever go missing by providing you with immediate, up-to-date details and personal information about your child to law enforcement personnel at the very moment the police arrive on the scene regarding a possible lost, missing, abducted child incident or other emergency situation.
This device is more than just a handy portable storage device for your child’s pertinent information, it also features special training and critical information to help protect your child on a variety of important topics like “Children And Strangers Security; Internet Security For Kids; Communicating With Your Child; Beyond Booster Seats and even “Youthful Water Safety.”
The device also contains some other extremely valuable resources and special surprises to help keep your children and your entire family better prepared for both criminal situations and other critical emergencies. The device even features a special video training presentation from CSUSA President & CEO Alfred McComber entitled, “Child Safety & Security Is Not Child’s Play! – 10 Precautions You Can Immediately Take To Help Increase Your Child’s Safety, Security & Emergency Preparedness Before Disaster Strikes!
The one-time investment for CSUSA Emergency Alert Child I.D. System USB portable identification card is just $149.95 for the first card in the family household and than only $60.00 per each additional card requested for other children in the same household.
There is no ongoing monthly billing fee for the card; however, clients can choose to have their child’s information and data on the card updated at any time by simply paying a small processing, priority shipping & handling fee of only $14.95 per card updated.
Keep in mind, children often grow up so fast that their physical appearance can change significantly over just a short period of time. As a result, to be absolutely prepared, it is recommended that each child’s identification card be updated at least once per year so that law enforcement officials and others will have updated information in case of any emergency situation.
Option 2: Standard Membership Level ($399.00 Requires A $19.95 Monthly Fee)
With this membership level, you receive a very special valuable bonus as 2 CSUSA Emergency Alert Child I.D. System USB portable identification cards are actually included with this package (a $209.95 value) For FREE!
This “Updated For The Times” monthly membership level includes some items from our previous legacy program that is no longer available as well as advanced features for the way busy parents, grandparents and legal guardians communicate and consume information today online and via mobile apps.
Newly Updated “Guide to Safer Children”
This very informative booklet includes ” The Child Identification Guide: “What To Do . . . When To Do It!”
Video Registration
Our Long Time Video Registration Service – Instructions On How to Record A Video Of Your Child – Secret Identification Code Labels For The Video Registration Service
The “Safety 7 Seven Rules” For Children – You will also receive the Safety 7 Seven Poster – In An 11″ X 14″ Frame with Rear Storage Pocket To Keep The “Safety 7 Rules” In Front Of Your Kids Regularly
What To Do If Your Child Is Missing Instructions
Child Safety, Security & Emergency Preparedness Tips – Important Child Safety, Security & Emergency Preparedness Website Links
The Shield
Physically Mailed Copy Of Our Monthly “The Shield” Newsletter Designed To Keep Monthly Membership Subscribers Updated On A Wide Array Of Child Safety & Security Topics
The Dispatch
Every Third Monday Of The Month, Our Monthly Membership Subscribers Receive A Video Newsletter Called, “The Dispatch” Via Email Covering Different Safety, Security And Emergency Preparedness Information Not Covered In Our Monthly Physically Mailed Newsletter
Every Wednesday, Monthly Membership Subscribers Receive A Special Quick Child Safety, Security Or Emergency Preparedness Video Tip To Help Engage Their Kids On A Wide Variety of Important Topics To Help Children Build Real Confidence In What They Can Do In Potential Criminal Or Other Critical Emergency Situations
Back Office Access
Special Direct Access To Our Monthly Membership Subscribers Brand New Membership Back Office For Lots Of Current News, Information, Videos, Books, Articles And Website Links To Help Increase The Personal Safety, Security And Emergency Preparedness Of Your Children And Your Entire Family On A Regular Basis
Mobile App
Direct Access To Our Brand New Child Shield, U.S.A. Mobile App

In addition, as with our previous legacy membership program, CSUSA will immediately distribute covered child photographs, videos, produce and distribute press releases and other information to selected law enforcement agencies and broadcast media outlets as suggested and approved by the official law enforcement agency investigating a covered child’s disappearance.
As a brand new expanded value added service, CSUSA will now also immediately be able to assist clients with missing or lost children covered by our membership program by expanding law enforcement, broadcast news media and even social media platform engagement to raise greater awareness to the client’s missing child situation, including directly researching and coordinating information as to whether there may be access to certain public or even private reward money and other valuable resources available to assist with a confirmed missing child case. As a brand new expanded value added service, CSUSA will now also provide additional emergency notifications and special updates to local, county, state, national and even international public and private database clearinghouses for direct cases involving covered missing children, parental abductions, reported runaways and other categories.
While CSUSA no longer provides any company funding to possibly hire private investigators to become involved in any missing child case, CSUSA is able to assist clients in obtaining specially discounted rates for nationwide private investigation services that would not normally be available to the public. Bear in mind, any discounted investigative service fees would have to be paid in advance by the client to the actual private investigation agency if the member client chooses to utilize any/all private investigator services.
While CSUSA no longer offers any company funded reward money for missing children cases, when and where appropriate, CSUSA can now assist clients in setting up a professional real online fundraising campaign to increase awareness of their missing child situation while also helping to possibly raise direct donations for the client to help offset some of the significant costs a family may incur as a result of a missing child incident like being able to print and post flyers, organize search volunteers, holding community awareness events, hire a private investigator, pay for medical expenses or even funeral expenses, etc.
The creation of an online fundraising campaign is a great way to get the local community involved when a missing child incident occurs. It can also be extremely helpful in letting close family, friends and neighbors become even more actively involved in helping provide support when an unfortunate missing or lost child incident occurs. Of course, there are no guarantees that any donations will be raised via any online fundraising campaign as all donations are strictly voluntary.
These expanded valuable benefits and level of service and dedication has never been available before and CSUSA is excited about the ability to now be able to provide these extremely valuable services should the unfortunate need ever arise.
Option 3: Platinum Membership Level ($798.00 Requires A $19.95 Monthly Fee)
Our third and most exclusive membership level option includes everything in our Stand Membership level, plus our powerful “My Virtual Bodyguard!” program which includes a physical package of items shipped right to your door.
This option includes advanced training with some of the top personal security, safety and emergency preparedness experts across the United States who will help you with proven strategies and techniques to take your entire family’s personal security, safety and emergency preparedness to a whole new level that will bring you a true sense of “Peace Of Mind” when it comes to knowing exactly how to keep your loved ones preparedness for emergencies and critical events.
For more specific details on our “My Virtual Bodyguard!” program, please click on the link below: